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All achievers for Standing tall Pro (Finish all races of the season on podium in a Pro group)
(Achievement rarity: 1 out of 28991.39 managers has unlocked this achievement)
Manager name Group Achieved Race data, replay and results
 Mael PallotMaster - 4Season 96, Race 17, P-13Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Andre Morato da SilvaPro - 12Season 95, Race 17, P-1Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Ethan LittlejohnsAmateur - 19Season 93, Race 17, P-24Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Jason ClaydonRetiredSeason 80, Race 17, P-8Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Aleksey OdegovRetiredSeason 75, Race 17, P-18Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Alix MartinRetiredSeason 69, Race 17, P-13Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Aleksey TitarenkoPro - 25Season 62, Race 17, P-8Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Pedro NazaréAmateur - 63Season 62, Race 17, P-3Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Ivan AnđelićMaster - 3Season 52, Race 17, P-6Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Daniel NikolovRetiredSeason 42, Race 17, P-4Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Andrey MochalovRetiredSeason 41, Race 17, P-10Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Ivan BahinovRetiredSeason 41, Race 17, P-16Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Stanislav FrolovAmateur - 41Season 39, Race 17, P-22Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Pauli KäkeläRetiredSeason 37, Race 17, P-1Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Atis PraudiņšEliteSeason 20, Race 17, P-2Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Ilda VicenteRetiredSeason 19, Race 17, P-10Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Ludwig HenryRetiredSeason 18, Race 17, P-8Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Steve SmithRetiredSeason 15, Race 17, P-12Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary