The Overtakers

Rogerio MandlerTiago MendesRaul SouzaAyrton PasquiniAlexandre JardimSergio SaraivaJuliano MatzenbacherJohn ArthurThiago BentoDanilo Luciano

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Team livery:
Team name: The Overtakers
Team website: None
Established: Season 14, Race 3
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 37,544.43
Average points/race: 26.11
Average points/season: 443.85
Average standings position: 70.79
Most points earned in one race: 47.05 (Season 86, Race 9)
Season position: 32
Season points: 358.5997
Team achievements:

29% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 2 (Season 19, Race 1)
Members brought to Elite: 9
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0 (No applications accepted)

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Rogerio Mandler Master - 1 12.9% (9.5%)
02. Tiago Mendes Pro - 3 16.8% (8.3%)
03. Raul Souza Master - 1 15.7% (3.1%)
04. Ayrton Pasquini Pro - 20 4.1% (2.4%)
05. Alexandre Jardim Pro - 17 6.8% (1.8%)
06. Sergio Saraiva Pro - 15 7.3% (1.6%)
07. Juliano Matzenbacher Pro - 21 10.8% (2%)
08. John Arthur Pro - 3 8% (1.5%)
09. Thiago Bento Amateur - 23 7.2% (1%)
10. Danilo Luciano Pro - 14 10.4% (0.8%)

Team logo

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Que estejam se preparando para promover temporada 92 e/ou 94. Se você tem um plano de ser competitivo no médio prazo, promovendo na S94, entre em contato (quando houver vaga disponível) com Rogério Mandler.

OBJETIVO: Temporada 92 = TOP 10. Temporada S94 = Top5. Temporadas pares fortes em conjunto.

Alexandre Jardim
Ayrton Pasquini
Danilo Luciano
John Arthur
Juliano Matzenbacher
Raul Souza
Rogerio Mandler
Sérgio Saraiva
Thiago Bento
Tiago Mendes

Team Founded By : Mario Cortez and Lucas Secundo Abreu
Eu posso até parar de correr, mas deixar de ser OVERTAKER NUNCA. (By Marcio Portuga)
Brasileiros ou Portugueses com foco forte nas temporadas ímpares, podem entrar em contato, para entrar na The Overtakers II. Time irmão (P14 S91 - Parabéns).