Joker Racing

Maria PazosDaniel MenoniAlfredo AvilaFrancisco MerteDani BarrenoKatrina BrewerBartłomiej GrałekMalykh AleksandrHamish MurraySebastian Mantovan

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Makina e Ekipit:
Emri i Ekipit: Joker Racing
Websiti i skuadrës: Asnjë
Themeluar: Sezoni 15 - Gara 1
Titujt: 0
Fitove kupen nukaut: 0
Gjithsej pikët: 16,051.32
Mesatarja pikëve/garë: 11.27
Mesatarja pikëve/sezon: 191.62
Renditja mesatare e pozicionit: 421.14
Me së shumti pikë të fituara në një garë: 29.80 (Sezoni 15 - Gara 16)
Pozicioni Sezonal: 278
Piket sezonale: 168.8666
Arritjet e ekipit:

14% hapur

Shumica e anëtarëve në Elite: 1 (Sezoni 89, Gara 1)
Anëtarët sjellë në Elite: 1
Numri i garave të përfaqësuara në:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Numri i përkrahësve: 5
Vënde te lira: 0

Anëtarët e Ekipit

Vend Sht. Menagjeri Grupi Kontributi
01. Maria Pazos Pro - 22 9.9% (7.8%)
02. Daniel Menoni Rookie - 43 13.5% (6%)
03. Alfredo Avila Rookie - 76 7.2% (2.7%)
04. Francisco Merte Pro - 16 24.6% (5.2%)
05. Dani Barreno Amateur - 43 3.6% (1%)
06. Katrina Brewer Amateur - 71 17% (1%)
07. Bartłomiej Grałek Amateur - 43 13.4% (0.7%)
08. Malykh Aleksandr Rookie - 81 8.7% (0.1%)
09. Hamish Murray Rookie - 149 1.3% (0%)
10. Sebastian Mantovan Rookie - 136 0.8% (0%)

Logoja e Ekipit

Informacion  |   Statistikat e anëtare  |   Arritjet  |   Historia  |   Ngjarjet  |   Vizitore

**A special thanks to Mauro Saccoccia for his incredible collaboration, to carry out the design
of the new car, and team logo.

We are in the midst of a rebuilding process so if you would like to be a part of it, do apply now!

The path is long and therefore, we expect teammembers to commit to the team for a long period of time. Needless to say, we race every race and contribute to the team by being as active as possible. We are proud and have fun whether it rains or shines.

Requirements for applications are simple.
The applicants need to have at least 1 full GPRO season completed.
- must be able to read and type English
- supporter status is required.
- must be willing to share data.
-In their PM, the applicants need to show desire to improve and help improve the rest of his teammates.
- Latinamerican people will have special treatment, but should at least be able to communicate in english (If there's non spanish-speaking people)