Victorious Racing

Marius RuţaPatryk GodowskiAleksey KondratenkoMartin WeißRich NichollsWolf RoiterDarryl KucmerowskiJesse WismanFilipe MaiaAndy Hards

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Makina e Ekipit:
Emri i Ekipit: Victorious Racing
Websiti i skuadrës: Asnjë
Themeluar: Sezoni 20 - Gara 17
Titujt: 0
Fitove kupen nukaut: 0
Gjithsej pikët: 29,267.55
Mesatarja pikëve/garë: 22.12
Mesatarja pikëve/sezon: 376.08
Renditja mesatare e pozicionit: 144.55
Me së shumti pikë të fituara në një garë: 47.58 (Sezoni 96 - Gara 5)
Pozicioni Sezonal: 38
Piket sezonale: 355.7667
Arritjet e ekipit:

19% hapur

Shumica e anëtarëve në Elite: 0
Anëtarët sjellë në Elite: 0
Numri i garave të përfaqësuara në:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Numri i përkrahësve: 7
Vënde te lira: 0

Anëtarët e Ekipit

Vend Sht. Menagjeri Grupi Kontributi
01. Marius Ruţa Pro - 9 15.2% (2.8%)
02. Patryk Godowski Pro - 9 10.8% (4.5%)
03. Aleksey Kondratenko Pro - 20 8.3% (3.8%)
04. Martin Weiß Pro - 8 16.9% (3.2%)
05. Rich Nicholls Amateur - 47 4.5% (1%)
06. Wolf Roiter Pro - 21 15.4% (2.1%)
07. Darryl Kucmerowski Pro - 8 6.6% (0.7%)
08. Jesse Wisman Pro - 1 9.2% (0.7%)
09. Filipe Maia Pro - 7 6.4% (0.1%)
10. Andy Hards Amateur - 2 6.7% (0.1%)

Logoja e Ekipit

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Victorious Racing has launched itself into the top 100 standings on its racing Debut and stands prepared to continue its ambitious start. We are part of the Victorious group and set our sights on bringing top managers to winning ways. Racing alongside Victorious Secret and Secretly Victorious, we have a wealth of knowledge and support to succeed.

Our Sister Teams:

Victorious Secret

Secretly Victorious