Hungarian Crown 3

István FarkasNagyházi SándorZoltán TóthRobert RipplKirály IstvánGergo Szendi

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Emri i Ekipit: Hungarian Crown 3
Websiti i skuadrës: Asnjë
Themeluar: Sezoni 14 - Gara 1
Titujt: 0
Fitove kupen nukaut: 0
Gjithsej pikët: 24,236.14
Mesatarja pikëve/garë: 16.83
Mesatarja pikëve/sezon: 286.12
Renditja mesatare e pozicionit: 233.50
Me së shumti pikë të fituara në një garë: 41.20 (Sezoni 45 - Gara 4)
Pozicioni Sezonal: 466
Piket sezonale: 65.2499
Arritjet e ekipit:

24% hapur

Shumica e anëtarëve në Elite: 1 (Sezoni 51, Gara 1)
Anëtarët sjellë në Elite: 3
Numri i garave të përfaqësuara në:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Numri i përkrahësve: 1
Vënde te lira: 4

Anëtarët e Ekipit

Vend Sht. Menagjeri Grupi Kontributi
01. István Farkas Master - 5 50.7% (12.7%)
02. Nagyházi Sándor Pro - 12 0.6% (11.4%)
03. Zoltán Tóth Amateur - 52 8.8% (0.3%)
04. Robert Rippl Amateur - 57 26% (0.4%)
05. Király István Amateur - 58 4.1% (0.2%)
06. Gergo Szendi Pro - 3 9.9% (0%)

Logoja e Ekipit

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Csapat szabályzat:

"A magyarok nyilaitól ments meg, Uram, minket!"

Csapatunk a Magyar Szent Korona tiszteletére jött létre. A Magyar Szent Korona a történelmünk legbecsesebb emléktárgya, s a legrégebben használt, mind a mai napig épségben megmaradt királyi fejék Európában. A Magyar Szent Korona csaknem ezer esztendeje hozzá tartozik történelmünkhöz.

"Lord save us from the arrows of Hungarians"

Our team was founded out of respect for the Holy Crown of Hungary. The Holy Crown of Hungary is the most precious symbol of our history. Being still intact, it did become the oldest crown used in Europe. The Holy Crown is an important part of our history from nearly a thousand of years.

"Sagittis hungarorum libera nos Domine"

Our teams (13):