AOE Racing Team™

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Teamnaam: AOE Racing Team™
Website: http://aoeracing.lefora....
Opgericht: Seizoen 14, Race 1
Teamtitels: 0
Gewonnen teambekers: 0
Aantal punten: 4,639.33
Gemiddelde punten/race: 3.22
Gemiddelde punten/seizoen: 54.77
Gemiddelde eindklassering: 805.34
Meeste punten in één race: 25.73 (Seizoen 15, Race 3)
Seizoensrangschikking: 1004
Seizoenspunten: 0

5% geopend

Meeste leden in Elite: 0
Leden naar Elite gebracht: 0
Aantal races per klasse:
Totale resultaten:
Resultaten dit seizoen:
Aantal supporters: 0
Open plaatsen: 0 (Team niet actief)

Neem dit team over

Een geliquideerd team overnemen kost je $5.000.000 als je voorheen lid was van het team, anders kost het je $7.500.000. Informatie in het intern team forum (als het team er één had) is geen onderdeel bij de overname en zal worden verwijderd vooraleer de overname klaar is. De rest van de bezittingen zullen echter bij het team blijven, inclusief team logo, team informatie, team statistieken, gescoorde punten/seizoen. Enkel manager in Amateur en hoger die geen negatieve balans hebben, kunnen een team overnemen.

Het overnemen van AOE Racing Team™ zal je $7.500.000 kosten.


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AOE Racing Team™

AOE is a team that has been around for a fair number of seasons on GPRO(under a few guises), acting as a home for fledgling managers and experienced alike. Many of our managers have stayed with the team for several seasons due to our inviting and enjoyable process towards playing GPRO.

Everyone wants to succeed in the game, and success is achieved through many factors. Having fun, learning and continuously striving to improve has led those in our team to the Pro group, and we don't intend to stop there.

Is AOE for you?

- Are you looking for a mature, yet enjoyable environment to reside in on GPRO?
- Do you enjoy working out as a team all the unknown factors that lie before you still in the game?
- Do you want to progress and improve on GPRO with a team of similar ambition?

If you answered yes to these questions we may be for you!

Our requirements
- Capable of communicating in English(we are aware that English is not everyones first language so are not expecting 100% perfect english)
- GPRO supporter status is preferred , this benefits both the game but allows us to maintain our livery as well.
- We accept rookies but prefer some race experience.
- Active forum members

For applications please apply and send a brief application to Kristian Lygre (team leader) why you would like to join AOE Racing
