Blue Arrows

Team statistikKlik for at tilføje/fjerne teamet fra din liste over teams du følger

Team navn: Blue Arrows
Teamets webside: Ingen
Etableret: Mellem S56 og S57
Mesterskaber: 0
Knockout cup sejre: 0
Point i alt: 2,676.78
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 3.78
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 64.27
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 976.65
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 28.95 (Sæson 60, Løb 1)
Sæsonplacering: 1234
Sæsonpoint: 0

14% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 0
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 0
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 0
Frie pladser: 0 (Team inaktiv)

Overtag dette team

At overtage et opløst team koster $5.000.000 hvis du har været medlem af teamet før, ellers koster det dig $7.500.000. Al information i det interne team forum (hvis teamet har et sådant) er ikke en del af overtagelses-processen, og vil blive fuldstændig slettet inden overtagelsen træder i kraft. Resten af teamets besiddelser vil dog fortsat blive i teamet under det nye lederskab, inklusiv team logo, team information, team statistik, optjente sæsonpoint/penge. Kun managere i Amateur eller højere, som ikke har negativ pengebeholdning kan overtage teams.

Overtagelse af Blue Arrows vil koste dig $7.500.000.

Team logo

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Welcome to Blue Arrows!

The team currently consist of the following members:

- Daniel Woodhouse
- Paul Allaway
- Stephen Montague
- Derek Rainey
- William Durant
- Mark Raper
- Vin Struder
- Thomas Woodhouse
- James Cunningham
- Terry Wilson

We like to have a friendly atmosphere in the team while enjoying the game of GPRO, continuing to learn more about the game while having other members to enjoy the experience with, and help each other to become more competitive in the game regardless of a managers group or experience in the game we only have a couple of requirements if you want to join our team:

1) GPRO Supporter status, not only does this show the commitment to the team it also enables us to have use of the team forum and a team livery, therefore it is important that this is a requirement we ask for.

2) Activity, we are not asking for you to live on the game (by all means do if you wish) but just a few minutes to pop into the team forum and communicate with the team members will go a long way.

3) English speaking in the team forum.

If you wan't to join the Blue Arrows then just message one of the following:

Team Leader & Graphics (Dan Woodhouse): /gb/ManagerProfile.asp?IDM=335582