Scuderia Cane Toro Rosso

Team statistikKlik for at tilføje/fjerne teamet fra din liste over teams du følger

Team navn: Scuderia Cane Toro Rosso
Teamets webside: Ingen
Etableret: Sæson 72, Løb 9
Mesterskaber: 0
Knockout cup sejre: 0
Point i alt: 1,711.77
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 3.83
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 65.10
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 1,093.98
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 30.40 (Sæson 78, Løb 9)
Sæsonplacering: 1436
Sæsonpoint: 0

10% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 0
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 0
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 0
Frie pladser: 0 (Team inaktiv)

Overtag dette team

At overtage et opløst team koster $5.000.000 hvis du har været medlem af teamet før, ellers koster det dig $7.500.000. Al information i det interne team forum (hvis teamet har et sådant) er ikke en del af overtagelses-processen, og vil blive fuldstændig slettet inden overtagelsen træder i kraft. Resten af teamets besiddelser vil dog fortsat blive i teamet under det nye lederskab, inklusiv team logo, team information, team statistik, optjente sæsonpoint/penge. Kun managere i Amateur eller højere, som ikke har negativ pengebeholdning kan overtage teams.

Overtagelse af Scuderia Cane Toro Rosso vil koste dig $7.500.000.

Team logo

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Red Bulldog™️ is the common name for
- Scuderia Cane Toro Rosso (SCTR)
- Red Bulldog Racing (RBR)

Red Bulldog™️ has an active, eager and open group of helpful & experienced managers, all with a long term dedication to GPRO and Red Bulldog™️.

As a member you may expect everything what any good team has to offer:
- Accurate & up to date tools for setup, race strategy, long term & seasonal planning, etc.
- Readily available knowledge, guides & guidelines,
- An active and secured chatroom + a forum

Red Bulldog™️ recruits by directly approaching individual managers, with or without a team, who fit into our profile & moreover group. Our search includes all levels.

Open applications to join Red Bulldog™️ can be send in English to either Jay or Mark (or both) with your ambitions, current knowledge, additional skills (if any) and supposed (team) activity.
Any applications to Red Bulldog™️ without a prior PM to Mark or Jay or a previous invitation from us will be rejected without notification!

First many thanks to Sinan Bahadir for designing the teams livery!

SCTR was founded in Season 72 by William Durant and is the more laid back version of RBR. It provides a place for:
- Future / potential RBR members to get used to the tools, game and/or team (and the team to them)
- Former RBR members who want / need to step back a bit cause of time issues

SCTR membership is not voted upon by members and the Team Leaders (William, Mark and Jay) decide.

RBR was founded in Season 66 by Mark van Daalen and Jay de Snoo with the ambition to compete with the best, both on an individual and on a team basis.

Being part of the team requires ample time & participation, a basic knowledge & continuous improvement in understanding the game, a desire to reach the higher levels and a lot of persistence & dedication.

RBR will mainly – but NOT exclusively – recruit from SCTR. Joining RBR requires, apart from the above also a recommendation from either Mark or Jay and a majority vote from other RBR members.