Rothmans Racing Team

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Team navn: Rothmans Racing Team
Teamets webside: Ingen
Etableret: Sæson 23, Løb 1
Mesterskaber: 0
Knockout cup sejre: 0
Point i alt: 12,271.70
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 9.53
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 161.97
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 441.48
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 33.80 (Sæson 51, Løb 13)
Sæsonplacering: 670
Sæsonpoint: 0

19% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 1 (Sæson 47, Løb 1)
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 1
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 0
Frie pladser: 0 (Team inaktiv)

Overtag dette team

At overtage et opløst team koster $5.000.000 hvis du har været medlem af teamet før, ellers koster det dig $7.500.000. Al information i det interne team forum (hvis teamet har et sådant) er ikke en del af overtagelses-processen, og vil blive fuldstændig slettet inden overtagelsen træder i kraft. Resten af teamets besiddelser vil dog fortsat blive i teamet under det nye lederskab, inklusiv team logo, team information, team statistik, optjente sæsonpoint/penge. Kun managere i Amateur eller højere, som ikke har negativ pengebeholdning kan overtage teams.

Overtagelse af Rothmans Racing Team vil koste dig $7.500.000.

Team logo

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*Rothmans Racing Team*

In the beginning Vlad created the cars and the tracks. And the tracks were without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Vlad moved on the face of the waters. And Vlad said, Let there be FOBY: and there was FOBY.

Many seasons passed. The trees changed their clothes multiple times. Then, suddenly there was a storm. A lost pack of cigarettes was struck by a red lightning.

Once the flames and smokes dissipated, a brand new GPRO car was standing there. Four guys (Carlos, Guillaume, Paulo and Ivelin) found it. And that's how Rothmans Racing was created.

Rothmans Racing was established at the start of S23 by Carlos Estima. The team is the result of the separation of Atlantic Racing.

We have free spots.

We search for managers who
- want to improve their performance
- drove at least one complete season
- are able to communicate in english
- we share our data
- we are willing to share our experience

We have experiences in all levels.

If you want, sent a message to one of us.