Panagiotis SantGiannis KyriakidisVasilis ZoumpiYiánnis LólasAlexandros MakosMārtiņš MurīssSoteris ManEleonóra MelczerJohn HendersonNicos Nikulin

Team statistikKlik for at tilføje/fjerne teamet fra din liste over teams du følger

Team lakering:
Team navn: PISTONHEADS racing
Teamets webside: https://www.facebook.com...
Etableret: Sæson 87, Løb 1
Mesterskaber: 0
Knockout cup sejre: 0
Point i alt: 2,950.43
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 14.68
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 249.54
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 263.24
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 29.47 (Sæson 98, Løb 13)
Sæsonplacering: 57
Sæsonpoint: 357.5999

5% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 0
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 0
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 6
Frie pladser: 0 (Ingen ansøgninger modtaget)


Plads Nat Managernavn Gruppe Bidrag
01. Panagiotis Sant Amateur - 47 14.7% (16.7%)
02. Giannis Kyriakidis Amateur - 20 14.4% (15.9%)
03. Vasilis Zoumpi Amateur - 47 13% (16.6%)
04. Yiánnis Lólas Amateur - 64 12.2% (15.7%)
05. Alexandros Makos Pro - 12 9.7% (15.1%)
06. Mārtiņš Murīss Pro - 4 5.2% (12.8%)
07. Soteris Man Amateur - 22 13.5% (3.4%)
08. Eleonóra Melczer Amateur - 47 7.6% (2%)
09. John Henderson Pro - 6 2.5% (0.9%)
10. Nicos Nikulin Rookie - 50 7.4% (0.9%)

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Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.
Ayrton Senna

Once something is a passion, the motivation is there.
Michael Schumacher

There is no friendship out there. When you race, you have to fight. That's it.
Niki Lauda

I always try to get the best result out of it, I'm not there to just sit second or sit
third. I'm a winner, and I want to win every single race, and I will always go for it.
Max Verstappen

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We are a team that believe in this four quotes,and we are working to catch the top
If you have the same passion you can send a pm to know you better and why not
to be a new member in our family.