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# Tiimi logo Üles laaditud Tiimi nimi Punkte
1. 15 Nov 2009, 14:02:29 Tiger Racing 65,294.06
2. 17 Juun 2022, 18:03:45 Jaguar Racing 59,350.58
3. 10 Jaan 2023, 15:32:41 Whiskey & Cigars - Old School 57,137.11
4. 25 Mai 2017, 18:43:55 The Special One 51,170.25
5. 26 Jaan 2010, 19:11:15 Lithuanian Apples Team 48,992.27
6. 22 Sept 2009, 14:10:00 Maximum Overdrive 48,665.08
7. 23 Sept 2009, 00:11:00 Black Supernova 47,623.79
8. 22 Märts 2017, 21:03:00 Ignition 47,243.33
9. 5 Juul 2011, 16:03:47 Gulf Porsche Racing 47,007.83
10. 28 Märts 2013, 23:36:22 Team Edifice 46,655.85
11. 1 Okt 2013, 15:37:23 S.E.X Drivers 45,793.85
12. 26 Jaan 2021, 21:02:44 Versant Racing 44,190.89
13. 4 Apr 2017, 19:09:45 Phantom Racing ™ 42,863.73
14. 21 Juul 2010, 23:58:51 OLYMPUS Racing 42,847.92
15. 23 Sept 2009, 00:12:00 Blue Supernova 41,681.62
16. 4 Juul 2017, 10:38:20 Association*ONE*Europe 41,677.89
17. 29 Apr 2015, 07:30:00 STORM Drivers 40,403.51
18. 6 Sept 2024, 23:03:24 PSC Green Cobra 40,331.58
19. 6 Dets 2010, 20:12:45 Digital F1 Team 39,442.79
20. 5 Märts 2024, 08:08:30 Nuvolari Predators 38,792.08
21. 25 Apr 2011, 09:47:19 French Kiss - FRA 4 38,736.43
22. 14 Jaan 2014, 21:31:45 The Overtakers 38,592.78
23. 20 Juul 2023, 13:28:39 Autonomous 38,381.32
24. 23 Aug 2013, 22:00:57 GPROMANIA 37,913.07
25. 5 Märts 2024, 06:54:52 Nuvolari Pirates 37,205.63
26. 14 Märts 2012, 00:07:14 Italian Arrows 35,150.69
27. 12 Dets 2011, 12:58:50 Polish Racing Team 34,926.55
28. 21 Apr 2021, 11:34:06 IMR FAST IlMaialinoRampante 34,838.23
29. 6 Märts 2024, 15:03:24 Nuvolari Racing 33,494.28
30. 10 Veeb 2023, 14:49:42 ALFA ROMEO ORLEN RACING 33,054.88
31. 26 Aug 2010, 14:15:27 Inter-Continental F1 Team 32,293.36
32. 6 Apr 2012, 12:16:16 Volkswagen Racing 32,222.82
33. 18 Juul 2012, 23:09:43 Torque Latinoamerica Racing 32,222.14
34. 19 Juul 2011, 10:35:51 Spanish Revolution 31,757.04
35. 31 Aug 2018, 18:35:28 Gotham Racing 31,638.64
36. 28 Juul 2012, 18:20:30 Bulgaralpine Racing 31,041.01
37. 6 Sept 2024, 23:03:25 PSC Red Viper 30,936.39
38. 23 Sept 2009, 23:12:00 C.R.A.S.H. Legends 30,854.46
39. 1 Okt 2018, 12:59:39 Victorious Racing 30,597.61
40. 22 Sept 2009, 14:09:00 LT F-1 Team 30,434.89
41. 12 Mai 2020, 18:55:25 Racing Kratos Alpha 30,355.98
42. 22 Nov 2010, 15:34:10 Red S Racing 30,346.94
43. 10 Sept 2010, 18:04:58 Three Crowns 30,316.74
44. 5 Dets 2018, 14:12:56 van Popta Racing 30,230.43
45. 14 Juul 2024, 13:33:47 Martini Racing 30,219.30
46. 20 Veeb 2018, 07:23:00 Czech National Team 29,531.71
47. 23 Sept 2009, 00:08:00 Out of the race 29,136.50
48. 15 Apr 2011, 07:37:23 Red White Red Grand 28,651.52
49. 23 Sept 2009, 23:52:00 Burnout Racing 28,425.30
50. 20 Juun 2015, 21:47:13 Wiseguys Racing Team 28,194.71
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