The Aliens GPRO Team

Tiimi statistikaVajutades lisad/eemaldad tiim jälgitavatest tiimidest

Tiimi nimi: The Aliens GPRO Team
Tiimi veebileht:
Asutatud: Hooaeg 15, Sõit 1
Meistritiitel: 0
Karika võit: 0
Punkte kokku: 1,509.53
Keskmiselt punkte sõidus: 1.06
Keskmiselt punkte hooajal: 18.03
Keskmine koht: 1,131.88
Enim punkte ühes sõidus: 16.00 (Hooaeg 17, Sõit 3)
Hooaja koht: 1483
Hooaja punktid: 0
Tiimi saavutused:

5% avatud

Kõige rohkem liikmeid Elites: 0
Liikmeid pääsenud Elitesse: 0
Sõite tehtud:
Tulemused läbi aegade:
Selle hooaja tulemused:
Toetajate arv: 0
Vabu kohti: 0 (Tiim ei ole aktiivne)

Võta see tiim üle

Likvideeritud tiimi ülevõtmine maksab $5.000.000 kui sa oled varem olnud selle tiimi liige. Kui sa ei ole olnud liige, siis maksab see $7.500.000. Tiimi foorumis (kui tiimil oli foorum) olnud info kustutatakse ning see ei kuulu ülevõtmise juurde. Teised tiimi andmed jäävad kõik alles (tiimi logo, tiimi info, tiimi statistika, teenitud punktid/raha). Ainult mängijad Amateuris või kõrgemates klassides saavad mängijaid üle võtta (peab olema positiivne saldo).

The Aliens GPRO Team ülevütmine maksab sulle $7.500.000.

Tiimi logo

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We are Currently recruiting and have only Nine (9) place left! But All are welcome weather you have Experience, are a GPRO supporter or not.

All I ask is that you Follow these Team Rules:
1. Have fun and enjoy the Race Experience as well as the game!

This Team runs to provide Information for Improving Experience and Race Performance as well as basic Tech insight, (within Game parameters and rules) and can be used as a stopgap until you decide to make your own or find your dream team.
If you think you can help in any way, shape or form (within the game rules), need a relaxed team to enjoy the game or just simply want to join a team. Please feel free to apply!!

Quotes from team:
"look I'm willing to take anyone on and pass on any knowledge about this game within my own knowledge as well as our combined teams knowledge. I am also willing to accept any New players (weather you have played before or not!)" Richard Harris

"The way I see it is like this it doesn't matter if you've got the experience or not it's the taking part and the willingness to lean and improve in any way, shape or form that counts!" Richard Harris

If you would like any information please PM Richard Harris who is our Team Leader/Manager, Founder and Forum Administrator.

This is team has been running for over 25 Full seasons now and have helped 5 Previous Team members to Armature. We do have over 20 Combined Full Seasons of Experience and over 20 Full Season of Team Experience! I myself have over 25 Full Seasons Experience as well as over 10 years of Forum Administrative Experience. So We Are an Experienced Team!