Cani Malati

Jamie GainsfordBabis PapoutsisToni NenKevin GlassenburyAhmet OzturkJoseph BadaVicente RochaBrad Marshall

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Tiimin värit:
Tiimin nimi: Cani Malati
Tiimin nettisivut:
Perustettu: Kausi 40, Kilpailu 1
Mestaruutta: 0
Tiimien Cup-voitot: 0
Pisteitä yhteensä: 20,730.23
Pistekeskiarvo/kilpailu: 20.77
Pistekeskiarvo/kausi: 353.12
Tiimisijoitus keskiarvo: 163.44
Yhden kilpailun piste-ennätys: 40.40 (Kausi 79, Kilpailu 11)
Kausi sijoitus: 177
Kausi pisteet: 211.4668
Tiimin saavutukset:

24% saavutettu

Eniten jäseniä Elite-tasolla: 1 (Kausi 74, Kilpailu 1)
Elite-tasolle nousseita jäseniä: 3
Kilpailuedustus sarjatasoilla:
Kumulatiivinen tulos:
Tämän kauden tulokset:
Supporterien määrä: 2
Vapaita paikkoja: 0 (Hakemuksia ei vastaanoteta)

Tiimin jäsenet

# Maa Managerin nimi Ryhmä Piste osuus
01. Jamie Gainsford Pro - 5 11.5% (3.8%)
02. Babis Papoutsis Amateur - 28 13.1% (7.1%)
03. Toni Nen Amateur - 7 10.5% (3.2%)
04. Kevin Glassenbury Amateur - 10 19.4% (9.4%)
05. Ahmet Ozturk Master - 1 12.9% (7.7%)
06. Joseph Bada Amateur - 60 14.9% (2.4%)
07. Vicente Rocha Master - 4 15.9% (0.5%)
08. Brad Marshall1 Amateur - 29 1.9% (0.7%)

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Informaatio  |   Jäsen tilasto  |   Saavutukset  |   Historia  |   Tapahtumat  |   Vierailijat
The CANI MALATI team was established in Season 40 by Carlo Merli. Some 15 seasons later, the family has grown to three teams. Everyone is welcome here regardless of previous experience, as long as you are willing to commit to the team on the long term and are keen to improve your game all the time.

As of Season 74, our family has helped 16 members reach Master for the first time. 4 of them have gone on to Elite.

Our Discord chat and external team forum are active and full of guides and other useful information. Our tools help you plan every little detail in your career.

If you would like to join this successful project, contact one of our team leaders or come to the chat, where you will regularly find some of our members!

Recent highlights:
- S72: George Slater scores Malati's first Elite points and podium
- S72: two of our teams reach the quarter finals of the Team Cup
- S72: best ever team result - 7th
- S74: George Slater takes our first ever Elite race win
- S76: Jasper Coosemans becomes Elite Champion
- S77: best ever team result - 6th (Cuccioli Malati)
- S79: first complete Malati podium in Elite (G. Slater, J. Coosemans, W. Kirstein - R9)
- S80: Joachim Rang becomes Elite Champion

CANI MALATI (Sick Dogs) (est. S40)


CUCCIOLI MALATI (Sick Puppies) (est. S50)


CAVALLI MALATI (Sick Horses) (est. S56)