Andromeda Racing Solaris

Calum MacKinnonBen GladwynColin FennerScott MacIverMike SarraRonni HewerEnzo EulerPiotr KuśnierzGeorge Wakerley

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Tiimin värit:
Tiimin nimi: Andromeda Racing Solaris
Tiimin nettisivut:
Perustettu: Kausi 33, Kilpailu 17
Mestaruutta: 0
Tiimien Cup-voitot: 0
Pisteitä yhteensä: 21,118.94
Pistekeskiarvo/kilpailu: 19.16
Pistekeskiarvo/kausi: 325.79
Tiimisijoitus keskiarvo: 206.80
Yhden kilpailun piste-ennätys: 31.52 (Kausi 94, Kilpailu 11)
Kausi sijoitus: 176
Kausi pisteet: 230.5998
Tiimin saavutukset:

14% saavutettu

Eniten jäseniä Elite-tasolla: 0
Elite-tasolle nousseita jäseniä: 0
Kilpailuedustus sarjatasoilla:
Kumulatiivinen tulos:
Tämän kauden tulokset:
Supporterien määrä: 4
Vapaita paikkoja: 1

Tiimin jäsenet

# Maa Managerin nimi Ryhmä Piste osuus
01. Calum MacKinnon Amateur - 12 13.5% (7.8%)
02. Ben Gladwyn Amateur - 13 14.1% (5.6%)
03. Colin Fenner Pro - 18 6.5% (7%)
04. Scott MacIver Amateur - 45 11.7% (4.8%)
05. Mike Sarra Amateur - 56 6.1% (4%)
06. Ronni Hewer Amateur - 54 15.6% (1.8%)
07. Enzo Euler Amateur - 60 9.8% (1.1%)
08. Piotr Kuśnierz Pro - 15 15.4% (0.4%)
09. George Wakerley Amateur - 5 7.3% (0.3%)

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Welcome to Andromeda Racing Solaris!

We are a branch of the Andromeda Racing family.

What we offer to our team members:
- A lot of past data
- Active and motivated teammates across 5 teams
- A friendly team atmosphere with good communication
- Help and advice with any planning and decision making
- Help and advice with car setup, strategy, drivers and technical directors
- External communication (team forum, Discord, and Skype)

What we ask of you:
- To be an active and loyal team member
- To compete in all races throughout the season (or ask a teammate to holiday cover your account if away)
- That you can communicate well in English
- To get involved in discussions on the team forums
- To share data within the team after qualifying and races
- To be a team player, although you have complete freedom to pursue your own goals

If you're interested in joining our family, send a message to Calum via PM. Don't worry too much about the message; we would just like to know a little bit about you to ensure that you are the right fit for our team. We would like to know:
- Who you are
- Your interests
- Why you would like to join our team
- What your goals are in GPRO

Applications to join the team without prior communication will be rejected.

Our sister teams:
Andromeda Racing Titan: /TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=1843
Andromeda Racing Orion: /TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=2402
Andromeda Racing Venus: /TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=2404
Andromeda Racing Antares: /TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=2587