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All achievers for Oval overtaker (Complete 50 overtakes in an oval race)
(Achievement rarity: 1 out of 4216.64 managers has unlocked this achievement)
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Manager name Group Achieved Race data, replay and results
 Paulo LoryAmateur - 58Season 74, Race 10, A-85Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Gede DonosoRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-18Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 István FarkasMaster - 5Season 74, Race 10, M-3Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Martin BritainMaster - 3Season 74, Race 10, A-58Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 William CairnsAmateur - 21Season 74, Race 10, P-16Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Loudon WainwrightRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-42Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 António GomesRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-36Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Gordon GekoAmateur - 77Season 74, Race 10, A-3Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Martin PospíšilPro - 9Season 74, Race 10, A-49Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Mirko DelfinoRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-90Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Massimo D'amicoPro - 5Season 74, Race 10, A-47Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Kristof CollasAmateur - 57Season 74, Race 10, A-50Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Bruno QuasarRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-85Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Claus BebeRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-83Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Gabriele TumminelloRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-46Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Sias ReineckeRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-90Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Guilherme HenriqueAmateur - 13Season 74, Race 10, A-86Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Hans Van MingeroetRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-90Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Manuel MuenchRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, P-21Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Triac RouRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-64Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Marius Valentin BrutaruPro - 1Season 74, Race 10, P-25Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Rafael HenriqueRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-26Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Kristina IvanovaRetiredSeason 74, Race 10, A-53Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
 Miel SoeterbroekMaster - 4Season 74, Race 10, M-3Starting grid  |  Race replay  |  Race summary  
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