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Managers with most Grand Chelems
(pole, fastest lap, win and lead every lap in a single race)

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# Manager name Group Grand Chelems
4601. Eniko Kiraly Retired 1
4601. Anssi Korpunen Retired 1
4601. Chris Barber Retired 1
4601. Nikolay Neykov Retired 1
4601. Grégory Ploix Retired 1
4601. Thierry Ponchon Retired 1
4601. Raphael Mesquita Retired 1
4601. Nancy Amortegui Retired 1
4601. Gergely Páli Retired 1
4601. Sami Lehtonen Retired 1
4601. Scott Sutton Retired 1
4601. Mathias Palette Retired 1
4601. Marcello Ferrero Retired 1
4601. Bryan Arias Retired 1
4601. Christopher Harvey Retired 1
4601. Stevan Nikolić Retired 1
4601. Ales Potocnik Retired 1
4601. Otto Hietalahti Retired 1
4601. Ronor Delle Retired 1
4601. Evaldas Meškonis Retired 1
4601. Nick Bayes Retired 1
4601. Osman Sungur Retired 1
4601. Rayl Nizameev Retired 1
4601. Mariqn Slavov Retired 1
4601. Plessis Steeve Retired 1
4601. Marcelo Gajardo Retired 1
4601. Jarkko Kujala Retired 1
4601. Lorenzo Rodrigues Retired 1
4601. Kevin Abdalla Retired 1
4601. Sebastien Lenoir Retired 1
4601. Constantin Dragomir Retired 1
4601. Miroslav Bašnár Retired 1
4601. Stephane Chatenet Retired 1
4601. Gabriele Di Quinzio Retired 1
4601. Róbert Sólyom Retired 1
4601. Angelika Zander Retired 1
4601. Sam Laru Retired 1
4601. Vladiemir Stavrev Retired 1
4601. Luciano Calegaro Retired 1
4601. Jane Craig Retired 1
4601. Antoine Sciberras Retired 1
4601. Marco Borghi Retired 1
4601. Mateus Tomé Retired 1
4601. Sándor Biró Retired 1
4601. Timo Malvisalo Retired 1
4601. Martin Dimchev Retired 1
4601. Emmanuel Chamillard Retired 1
4601. Ariel Malasig Retired 1
4601. Denver Teixeira Retired 1
4601. Juan Esteban Marin Retired 1
4601. Tommy Faucher Retired 1
4601. Joao Victor Retired 1
4601. Rafael Gomes Retired 1
4601. Gábor Kőhegyi Retired 1
4601. Daniel Klimala Retired 1
4601. Ján Špánik Retired 1
4601. Victor Siqueira Retired 1
4601. Gimbo Catazza Retired 1
4601. Bartosz Swirydowicz Retired 1
4601. Róbert Kis Retired 1
4601. Diego Iturry Retired 1
4601. Hans-Patrick Müür Retired 1
4601. Dimitris Papatheodorou Retired 1
4601. Uroš Korošec Retired 1
4601. Kalina Dolapchieva Retired 1
4601. Nagy Zoltán Retired 1
4601. Bellenger Patrick Retired 1
4601. Jonatan Alamo Retired 1
4601. Dawid Lock Retired 1
4601. Christopher Machin Retired 1
4601. Kenneth Macaday Retired 1
4601. Lukasz Żur Retired 1
4601. Francisco Zavala Retired 1
4601. Seweryn Brudny Retired 1
4601. Fabricio Alves Retired 1
4601. Adrian Ciupi Retired 1
4601. Guilherme Parentoni Retired 1
4601. Tom Niemand Retired 1
4601. Marcos Suarez Retired 1
4601. Aleks Petrov Retired 1
4601. Nick Mikuta Retired 1
4601. Caio Prado Retired 1
4601. Jyri Kankaanpää Retired 1
4601. Sam Mitchell Retired 1
4601. Gregory Konings Retired 1
4601. Josh Brandon Retired 1
4601. Tony Narvaez Retired 1
4601. Jos Van Kalker Retired 1
4601. Gintaras Slavinskas Retired 1
4601. Katalin Tiszai Retired 1
4601. Kevin Amper Retired 1
4601. Jan Johansson Retired 1
4601. Michael Utley Retired 1
4601. Pete Alatalo Retired 1
4601. Juuso Nikkanen Retired 1
4601. Marian Sokolov Retired 1
4601. Waldemar Babicz Retired 1
4601. Norbi Janicki Retired 1
4601. Glauco Silva Retired 1
4601. Simone Monticelli Retired 1
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