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All achievers for Endurance team (Finish the season 1st in the combined one big race teams ranking)
Team logo Team name Achieved Race data, replay and results
Projet XSeason 96, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Cavalli MalatiSeason 89, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Sex, Beer & Rock´N RollSeason 86, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
French Kiss - FRA 11Season 81, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Nuvolari PiratesSeason 78, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
PSC Green CobraSeason 67, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Team EdificeSeason 66, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Force OneSeason 65, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
STORM DriversSeason 64, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
GA'ZADA F1 TEAMSeason 63, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Whiskey & Cigars - Old SchoolSeason 62, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Maximum OverdriveSeason 58, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Versant RacingSeason 56, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Tiger RacingSeason 54, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary  
Jaguar RacingSeason 53, Race 17Race replay  |  Race summary