Hungarian Crown

Péter BernauRoland KutitsGábor SzebellédiMihály Szebellédi

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Team livery:
Team name: Hungarian Crown
Team website: None
Established: Season 32, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 16,338.94
Average points/race: 14.41
Average points/season: 244.94
Average standings position: 300.83
Most points earned in one race: 41.95 (Season 35, Race 9)
Season position: 476
Season points: 58.2666
Team achievements:

19% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 1 (Season 36, Race 1)
Members brought to Elite: 2
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 6

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Péter Bernau Amateur - 31 20.4% (4.6%)
02. Roland Kutits Amateur - 8 40.5% (5.3%)
03. Gábor Szebellédi Amateur - 4 23.6% (0.8%)
04. Mihály Szebellédi Rookie - 106 15.6% (0.4%)

Team logo

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"A magyarok nyilaitól ments meg, Uram, minket!"

Csapatunk a Magyar Szent Korona tiszteletére jött létre. A Magyar Szent Korona a történelmünk legbecsesebb emléktárgya, s a legrégebben használt, mind a mai napig épségben megmaradt királyi fejék Európában. A Magyar Szent Korona csaknem ezer esztendeje hozzá tartozik történelmünkhöz.

"Lord save us from the arrows of Hungarians"

Our team was founded out of respect for the Holy Crown of Hungary. The Holy Crown of Hungary is the most precious symbol of our history. Being still intact, it did become the oldest crown used in Europe. The Holy Crown is an important part of our history from nearly a thousand of years.

"Sagittis hungarorum libera nos Domine"

Livery and logo created by Buffon