THE Renombrados

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Team name: THE Renombrados
Team website: http://www.GP4-Argentina...
Established: Season 37, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 3,083.57
Average points/race: 2.94
Average points/season: 49.92
Average standings position: 933.48
Most points earned in one race: 20.20 (Season 43, Race 6)
Season position: 1171
Season points: 0
Team achievements:

0% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0 (Team inactive)

Take over this team

Taking over a liquidated team costs $5.000.000 if you have been a member of the team in the past, otherwise it will cost you $7.500.000. Information inside the internal team forum (if the team has one) is not part of the take over process and will be deleted completely prior to the take over. The rest of the team's possessions will however stay with the team under the new leadership, including team logo, team information, team statistics, scored season points/money. Only managers in Amateur and above who are not in negative balance can take over teams.

Taking over THE Renombrados will cost you $7.500.000.

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Comenzamos una nueva historia a partir de la Temporada 40.
Somos un equipo poliglota y nuestro objetivo es que todos los integrantes del equipo lleguemos a la liga Elite.
No es requisito ser Supporter.
Requisitos para ser miembro del equipo:
1) Haber participado en 3 temporadas consecutivas. Todas las carreras.
2) Managers de todas las naciones son bienvenidos. Se acepta el uso de Google Translator.
3) Participar en las discusiones de estrategias y compartir datos.
4) Respetar las reglas del equipo y del juego.
5) Mantener el respeto entre los integrantes del equipo.

Si estas de acuerdo con los requisitos no dudes en postularte!
We started a new story from Season 40.
We are a multilingual team and our goal is to get all team members to the Elite league.
It is not required to be a Supporter.
Requirements for membership:
1) Participation in 3 consecutive seasons. All races.
2) Managers of all nations are welcome. Using Google Translator accepted.
3) Participate in discussions of strategies and share data.
4) Respect the rules of the team and the game.
5) Maintain respect among team members.

If you agree with the requirements join the team, don't hesitate!
*Current Members in THE Renombrados:
-Bruno Gallego
-Sebastian Gallego
-Anna Nagy
-Ronny Joerg
-Marcos Chovet
-Matteo Bacchini