Mobile Fright F1

Team statisticsClick to add/remove the team from your list of watched teams

Team name: Mobile Fright F1
Team website: None
Established: Season 76, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 2,383.73
Average points/race: 6.16
Average points/season: 104.71
Average standings position: 619.16
Most points earned in one race: 20.80 (Season 84, Race 12)
Season position: 1285
Season points: 0
Team achievements:

5% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0 (Team inactive)

Take over this team

Taking over a liquidated team costs $5.000.000 if you have been a member of the team in the past, otherwise it will cost you $7.500.000. Information inside the internal team forum (if the team has one) is not part of the take over process and will be deleted completely prior to the take over. The rest of the team's possessions will however stay with the team under the new leadership, including team logo, team information, team statistics, scored season points/money. Only managers in Amateur and above who are not in negative balance can take over teams.

Taking over Mobile Fright F1 will cost you $7.500.000.

Team logo

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Les presento a nuestro equipo de habla hispana Mobile Fright F1

Estamos trabajando para conformar un buen grupo que ayude en el progreso de cada unos de los integrantes

La idea es crecer juntos para lograr llegar a los primeros puestos de la competencia.

El que guste puede unirse a nosotros

Es de suma importancia ser constante en el desarrollo de la competencia

Siempre mantener una comunicación con cada uno de sus miembros

Acompáñanos a disfrutar de este excelente juego

Tenemos un grupo en Telegram para discutir nuestras estrategias


NOTA: Inactividad
Los managers que estén inactivos durante cinco carreras consecutivas serán removidos del equipo inmediatamente, si existen otros managers esperando en la lista de espera por un lugar en el equipo serán sustituidos.