Team Brazil Racing

José PereiraAdriano SoaresKaio AndradeGabriel SquerlimFábio RobsonLuiz MartinoFabio StanleySergio FrançoisEdson JuniorWilson Linhares

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Team livery:
Team name: Team Brazil Racing
Team website: None
Established: Season 1, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 19,416.95
Average points/race: 11.69
Average points/season: 198.73
Average standings position: 357.25
Most points earned in one race: 44.07 (Season 17, Race 6)
Season position: 265
Season points: 163.2665
Team achievements:

14% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 2 (Season 16, Race 1)
Members brought to Elite: 5
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. José Pereira Rookie - 31 11.4% (3.3%)
02. Adriano Soares Amateur - 73 12.1% (8.9%)
03. Kaio Andrade Amateur - 15 8.3% (1.7%)
04. Gabriel Squerlim Amateur - 23 21.7% (1.4%)
05. Fábio Robson Amateur - 65 11.9% (0.6%)
06. Luiz Martino Rookie - 8 7.6% (0.2%)
07. Fabio Stanley Rookie - 133 12.6% (0.3%)
08. Sergio François Amateur - 35 4.3% (0.1%)
09. Edson Junior Rookie - 3 7.9% (0.2%)
10. Wilson Linhares Rookie - 121 2.1% (0.1%)

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Mais detalhes de como rodar o Team Brazil Racing aqui:

Requisitos para entrar no time:

* não estar negativo
* quem nao participar de pelo menos 13 corridas na temporada sera dispensado.
* ser Brasileiro (tem argentino, uruguaio e croata querendo entrar no nosso time)



More details on how to run Team Brazil Racing here:

Requirements to join the team:

* not be negative
* those who do not participate in at least 13 races in the season will be dismissed.
* to be Brazilian (there are Argentines, Uruguayans and Croatians wanting to join our team)