Trivial Tour

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Team name: Trivial Tour
Team website: None
Established: Season 57, Race 17
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 0.00
Average points/race: 0.00
Average points/season: 0.00
Average standings position: 2,381.11
Most points earned in one race: 0.00 (-)
Season position: 2551
Season points: 0
Team achievements:

0% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0 (Team inactive)

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Taking over a liquidated team costs $5.000.000 if you have been a member of the team in the past, otherwise it will cost you $7.500.000. Information inside the internal team forum (if the team has one) is not part of the take over process and will be deleted completely prior to the take over. The rest of the team's possessions will however stay with the team under the new leadership, including team logo, team information, team statistics, scored season points/money. Only managers in Amateur and above who are not in negative balance can take over teams.

Taking over Trivial Tour will cost you $7.500.000.

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"The Grand Tour was the traditional trip of Europe undertaken by mainly upper class European young men of sufficient means and rank (or those of more humble origin who could find a sponsor), as well as young women if they were also of sufficient means, and accompanied by a chaperone, such as other family members, when they had come of age (about the age of 21 years old). The custom flourished from about 1660, until the advent of large-scale rail transport in the 1840s, and was associated with a standard itinerary. It served as an educational rite of passage. Though primarily associated with the British nobility and wealthy landed gentry, similar trips were made by wealthy young men of Protestant Northern European nations, and from the second half of the 18th century, by some South and North Americans." - Wikipedia

If you are into posh things like that, or frankly just have the money for it... by all means go fook off.

We here at Trivial Tour are of the poorer classes, though many do not like to admit it. For us a grand tour may consist of a fishing pole an a cooler of beer, maybe a bottle of cheap whiskey if the paycheck was good.