Andrey ZhuravlyovArkadiusz TerleckiEduardo AzevedoRobert FasbinderKonstantin GranovskiyArtur Savelev

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Team name: ZIL-157 KOLUN
Team website: https://sites.google.com...
Established: Season 82, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 3,335.13
Average points/race: 11.74
Average points/season: 199.64
Average standings position: 331.52
Most points earned in one race: 24.60 (Season 87, Race 7)
Season position: 351
Season points: 121.367
Team achievements:

5% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 4

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Andrey Zhuravlyov Amateur - 47 14% (15.9%)
02. Arkadiusz Terlecki Amateur - 80 11.8% (10.3%)
03. Eduardo Azevedo Rookie - 73 9.9% (9.2%)
04. Robert Fasbinder Amateur - 53 30.8% (2.4%)
05. Konstantin Granovskiy Pro - 7 8.7% (1.9%)
06. Artur Savelev Amateur - 11 24.9% (0.9%)

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welcome to the zwarte haan.
if you want to join this team.
you have to send a message to maikel zwart and then all members of the black cock vote.

we expect from our members:
participate in 10 races anyway. it doesn't matter how many points you get during the season.
if managers cannot be present due to vacation, someone must report this.
if someone want to take over for a while.

I hope to hear from you soon to join my team.