Wiseguys Racing Team

Adam DomaszewskiTomasz SiwiecJasiek KornetMatthias WolakLukasz Szymanski

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Team livery:
Team name: Wiseguys Racing Team
Team website: None
Established: Season 12, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 27,722.57
Average points/race: 18.79
Average points/season: 319.51
Average standings position: 179.61
Most points earned in one race: 42.73 (Season 71, Race 6)
Season position: 273
Season points: 171.7999
Team achievements:

24% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 1 (Season 68, Race 1)
Members brought to Elite: 1
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 0 (No applications accepted)

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Adam Domaszewski Amateur - 7 24.7% (11.9%)
02. Tomasz Siwiec Amateur - 78 25% (11.4%)
03. Jasiek Kornet Amateur - 75 14.4% (6.4%)
04. Matthias Wolak Amateur - 5 21.1% (1.4%)
05. Lukasz Szymanski Rookie - 116 14.9% (2.5%)

Team logo

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        b e s t   p l a c e   -   7   -   6 1 3 p t s   -   s e a s o n   7 1

                        t e a m   c u p   -   s e m i f i n a l