Whitelist GPRO in Adblock

Why should I whitelist GPRO?

Ads help us to deliver content to you for free. We don't like annoying ads and you will never see intrusive ads on our site. We use at most 3 simple banner ads per page, while keeping each of the ads away from the page content. Each ad has its static place on the page and will in no way keep you from using the page content. This is the only way for us to cover the costs for maintaining the game from our free users, alternatively you can become a GPRO supporter to support the game directly without seeing any ads and get a large set of additional useful game features in return.

How do I whitelist GPRO?

Click on the AdBlock or Adblock Plus icon in the upper right corner of your browser and disable the extension for this site (gpro.net). Check the visual instructions below for more details:

Google Chrome


Adblock Plus

Mozilla Firefox


Adblock Plus

Thank you for supporting us!