What be GPRO?
Grand Prix Racin' Online be a free web based motor sport captainship game, 'ere ye get t' control 'n influence a crew o' yer owns. Startin' ou' wi' a basic ship ye can try an' win yer way through t' th' top division t' become th' best Captain an' win th' Elite squadron title.
Jus' like in Formula 1 or any motor sports, ye will be havin' t' work hard in order t' be succesful in this captainship game. Thar be many a thing ye be havin' t' take care o', like hirin' helmsman an' first mates, settin' up yer ship fer qualification 'n races, managin' crew and docks, negotiatin' wit' sponsors 'n more besides.
Thar be 17 boat races per season, wit' two races per week, 'n ye can spend as wee as an hour per tides managin' yer crew. But as wit' most thin's, th' more ye put in, th' more ye will get out 'n that extra effort in selectin' yer helmsman or settin' up yer ship could be th' difference between Advancement 'n Relegation.
You be able t' watch th' races live an' enjoy th' chat wi' other captains in yer squadron an' other divisions, be seein' how yer helmsman performs in each race, an' decide th' best race strategy accordin' t' yer helmsman stats 'n weather predictions. Ye can create teams wi' yer hearties or wi' swabbies from across th' world that ye be havin' neremet before t' compete in th' teams championship. All this can be done wi' a simple browser from yer homeport or work at any time! Thar be naught t' loot at all.
GPRO be in continual development, an' fer that reason we be open t' suggestions from our captains. This can be done by jabberin', or by sending a secret message. Thar be always great swabbies online that will read an' share yer thoughts 'bout mostly anythin', thar be e'en a F1 forum!
If ye be a big fan o' F1 an' motor sports, wants t' be part o' a great 'n friendly community, enjoy discussin' F1 races wi' swabbies around th' world, an' like captain an' multiplayer games, then sign t' th' crew fer nought 'n be part o' a fantastic game!
Join th' crew!