Do ye like motor racin'? If aye, then Grand Prix Racin' Online be th' game fer ye!
Manage yer grand prix team t' success by buildin' good cars, developin' good race strategies, hirin' th' starboard drivers an' staff an' plannin' fer th' future. But all must be done within th' limits o' yer financial an' worktime budget an' wi' th' fierce competition breathin' down yer neck!
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O'erview o' feat'res
Be watchin' e'ery Tuesday 'n Friday 't 20:00 CET t' be watchin' th' racin' unfold LIVE! Will yer plannin' make yer th' victor, o' yer be crashin' t' th' rocks? Findin' out 'n be blabb'rin' t' yer rival captains.....

Be searchin' th' helmsman fer hirin', lookin' fer th' next champ'on, someone who can be jumpin' straight 'n 'n be givin' yer results - o' maybe be schoolin' the' t' be makin' the' th' next great'st champ'on

Be makin' yer ship bett'r, be schoolin' yer helmsman 'n crew, 'n buyin' bett'r docks - all th' while yer nned t' be workin' wit' a limit'd numb'r o' doubloons 'n be avoidin' owin' doubloons tha' may be ruinin' yer challenge...

Analysin' yer results, rum usage, 'n oar wear, all be helpin' t' be plannin' yer future racin' bett'r 'n wit' yer visits t' port, 'n all thi' may be changin' yer fro' a place o' th' plinth t' a racin' victor!

Be pickin' one o' o'er 100 ships colours, eith'r free o' fro' those fer the' tha' be payin' dues - o' maybe yer wants t' be makin' yer own ships colours eith'r jus' fer yer, o' fer yer armada!

Be reachin' Amateur squadrons, 'n yer can be launchin' yer own armada! Be gettin' captains t' be signin' wit' yer, makin' yer own ships colours, 'n be tryin' t' be victor o' th' armada rankin's o' flagon!