The Rage Carts /TRC/

Petko DonevStefan DimovSvetlin AndreevVasil VasilevVasil VasilevMiroslav Zashev

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Modelul mașinii:
Numele echipei: The Rage Carts /TRC/
Site-ul echipei:
Fondată: Sezonul 1, Cursa 1
Trofee: 0
Victorii cupă (faze eliminatorii): 0
Total puncte: 13,795.67
Medie puncte/cursă: 8.31
Medie puncte/sezon: 141.20
Averaj pozitie clasament: 466.79
Cele mai multe puncte câștigate într-o cursă: 25.27 (Sezonul 14, Cursa 1)
Poziția curentă: 429
Punctele curente: 85.7334
Realizari echipa:

5% deblocat

Majoritatea membrilor din Elite: 0
Membrii ajunsi in Elite: 0
Numarul curselor reprezentate in:
Rezultate cumulate:
Rezultate in acest sezon:
Număr de supporteri: 0
Locuri libere: 4

Membrii echipei

Loc Naț Numele managerului Grupa Contribuție
01. Petko Donev Amateur - 9 2.5% (10.8%)
02. Stefan Dimov Rookie - 12 25% (11.7%)
03. Svetlin Andreev Rookie - 82 20.4% (9.4%)
04. Vasil Vasilev Rookie - 80 9.6% (9.4%)
05. Vasil Vasilev Amateur - 23 30.9% (8%)
06. Miroslav Zashev Rookie - 29 11.6% (0.1%)

Emblema echipei

Informaţii  |   Statistici Membru  |   Realizări  |   Istoric  |   Evenimente  |   Vizitatori
Season 1 - The team was established
Season 1 - The team head office /site/ was created
Season 6 - The conception of team graphic vision is cleared
Season 12 - The prototype of a car livery was launched for 3 races testing
Season 13 - New Logo is arrived
Season 15 - One of the oldest teams decides to change his policy. Until now the team was only with bulgarian managers, but now with all world changes, The Board decides to give a chance to some world talents.

We search for managers which have at least five seasons behind and they are ready to commit to the team.

*** IMPORTANT *** To everyone that want to join our team - FIRST WRITE to us!!! Than send your application.