CommonWealth Racing Team

Dave SunderlandJohn ButcherPaul BrightMonique LacroixBruce StadSimon JonesJames PooleNeil JonesLuke DruryChris Brodie

СтатистикаКликните да бисте додали/уклонили тим са своје листе за праћење

Тимске боје:
Име: CommonWealth Racing Team
Сајт тима: -
Основан: Сезона 45 - Трка 1
Трофеја: 0
Победе у тимском купу: 0
Укупно поена: 16,043.70
Просек пона по трци: 17.55
Просек поена по сезони: 298.41
Просечан пласман: 226.10
Највише поена освојених у једној трци: 33.87 (Сезона 76 - Трка 17)
Пласман у сезони: 188
Поена у сезони: 223.8665
Тимска достигнућа:

14% остварено

Највише чланова у Елит рангу: 0
Број чланова који су дошли до Елит ранга: 0
Укупан број трка у:
Ове сезоне:
Број супортера: 6
Слободних места: 0

Чланови тима

Место Нац Име Група Допринос
01. Dave Sunderland Amateur - 60 17.1% (12%)
02. John Butcher Pro - 3 8.3% (7.6%)
03. Paul Bright Amateur - 45 13.9% (2.9%)
04. Monique Lacroix Amateur - 57 17.8% (3.1%)
05. Bruce Stad Amateur - 70 8.8% (4.1%)
06. Simon Jones Amateur - 2 7.3% (1.2%)
07. James Poole Amateur - 6 11.9% (0.6%)
08. Neil Jones Amateur - 25 2.7% (1.9%)
09. Luke Drury Rookie - 125 10.5% (0.1%)
10. Chris Brodie Amateur - 44 1.8% (0%)


Инфо |  Статитстика чланова |  Достигнућа |  Историјат |  Догађаји |  Посетиоци
In loving memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. RIP Your Majesty

God save the king!


Rus in Vrede Jaco our friend


We are a team made up of a strong group of core players. Ideas and tactics as well as continuous discussion on the GPRO team forum.

Please contact a Team member first before applying.

If you want a team that will support you or, indeed if you have the knowledge to help move the team forward, PM any of Commonwealth Racing Team. We are quick to respond.
Our motto:
Patience is a Virtue😀

This team consists of Managers made up from Commonwealth Countries Only.

Team Car design by.. Rollo Rollerston.
Updated car design By..John Butcher.

New Car design by Ian Brooks

The Commonwealth "Family" of Nations consists of 56 independent countries from around the world.

An estimated 2.5 billion populate those 56 countries.
For a full list of Commonwealth countries check here:

We run several in house "silly games" for extra Fun..
Below is the Season 93 Honours List!

🏆 - MVP - Dave
🏆 - Players Player Award - Monique
🏆 - Mystic Dave Trophy - Bruce
🏆 - Mystic Meg Award - Dave
🏆 - How's Your Luck Award - Monique
🏆 - Cock up of the Season - None
🏆 - Simon Jones Trophy - New Award