Andromeda Racing Orion

Torbjorn CarlsonTom HrbekMario MarsfeldChris LappDan DelanoJorge GasparValeri KrustevMike Dixon

СтатистикаКликните да бисте додали/уклонили тим са своје листе за праћење

Име: Andromeda Racing Orion
Сајт тима:
Основан: Сезона 72 - Трка 8
Трофеја: 0
Победе у тимском купу: 0
Укупно поена: 8,993.60
Просек пона по трци: 20.12
Просек поена по сезони: 342.04
Просечан пласман: 145.72
Највише поена освојених у једној трци: 35.67 (Сезона 85 - Трка 6)
Пласман у сезони: 179
Поена у сезони: 210.7998
Тимска достигнућа:

10% остварено

Највише чланова у Елит рангу: 0
Број чланова који су дошли до Елит ранга: 0
Укупан број трка у:
Ове сезоне:
Број супортера: 4
Слободних места: 2

Чланови тима

Место Нац Име Група Допринос
01. Torbjorn Carlson Amateur - 60 12.7% (7.5%)
02. Tom Hrbek Amateur - 75 16.3% (11.2%)
03. Mario Marsfeld Amateur - 17 14.8% (9.8%)
04. Chris Lapp Amateur - 42 8.6% (8.8%)
05. Dan Delano Amateur - 3 15.6% (6%)
06. Jorge Gaspar Amateur - 70 13.1% (5.7%)
07. Valeri Krustev Pro - 2 6.3% (0.7%)
08. Mike Dixon Amateur - 3 12.7% (0.5%)


Инфо |  Статитстика чланова |  Достигнућа |  Историјат |  Догађаји |  Посетиоци

~~~~~~~~ANDROMEDA RACING ORION~~~~~~~~~~

~~~Great Team Atmosphere~

~~~A place to put down some roots, call home Amongst friends~

---We will Happily provide our team members with assistance in

---- Set ups, strategy
---- drivers, sponsors, etc.
---- Everything you need to be ready for race day
---- to learn and grow
---- progress in the game in all areas
---- plus friendship

~~Loyalty is worth more than gold~

--Our expectations of you

~~ Be friendly
~~ Good English Skills~
~~ To be An active participant in all races~
~~ if away let another member holiday your account~

~~ We all use Skype app For easy communication, Teaching
~~ We also have a discord channel amongst with other of Andromeda teams
~~ and to get together on race days~
~~ So this is essential~

--- If you're interested, please send a message to Tobbe

--- (Just so we can get to know you a bit better and decide
--- If we're the right fit for each other)

--- Applications with out prior conversation shall
--- Automatically be rejected.

Special mention to Athol Kay, who spent hours researching old forum posts, finding ways to improve our general performance. His game guide has helped us all to achieve more than we expected, and we all owe him a debt of gratitude.
We keep building team up the ranks..

---Our Sister Teams

---Andromeda Racing Solaris: /gb/TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=1309
---Andromeda Racing Titan: /gb/TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=1843
---Andromeda Racing Venus /gb/TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=2404
---Andromeda Racing Antares: /gb/TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=2587