Tony ColangeloPrimoz PogorevcJeff NaylorJoshua AbbottWilian SouzaDavid SmithAndrew KopycinskiJoão Paulo AlvesHenri MorandMick Marske

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Tímový vzhľad:
Názov tímu: TOP GUN
Stránka tímu: Žiadna
Založený: Sezóna 56, Pretek 13
Majstrovské tituly: 0
Víťazstvá v pohári: 0
Celkový počet bodov: 11,469.24
Body/Pretek: 16.04
Body/Sezóna: 272.70
Priemer poradí v rebríčku: 278.44
Najúspešnejší pretek: 27.07 (Sezóna 90, Pretek 1)
Priebežné poradie: 203
Počet bodov: 209.967
Tímové úspechy:

14% odomknutých

Najviac členov v Elite: 0
Počet členov privedených do Elite: 0
Počet pretekov odjazdených v:
Kumulované výsledky:
Výsledky v tejto sezóne:
Počet supportérov: 6
Voľných miest: 0

Členovia tímu

Pr.č. Nár. Meno manažéra Skupina Príspevok
01. Tony Colangelo Rookie - 116 9.9% (12.2%)
02. Primoz Pogorevc Amateur - 23 21.1% (14.7%)
03. Jeff Naylor Amateur - 12 5.7% (11.1%)
04. Joshua Abbott Pro - 23 7.3% (8.7%)
05. Wilian Souza Amateur - 13 14.4% (6.4%)
06. David Smith Amateur - 55 8.3% (3.1%)
07. Andrew Kopycinski Amateur - 40 17% (2.2%)
08. João Paulo Alves Pro - 13 4.9% (0.6%)
09. Henri Morand Pro - 20 0.5% (0.2%)
10. Mick Marske Rookie - 68 10.8% (0.2%)

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If you are interested in F1 enjoy GPRO and would like to participate in a team that helps and supports one another then TOP GUN has it.
We have had a few Mavericks along the way, but we welcome everyone, Rookies, Amateur, et al, who are looking for help and a friendly environment to participate in.
With guys who enjoy the challenge without the fuss and hassle, and are willing to share their knowledge of the game and are willing to listen to newcomers.

Our long and short term goals are to have fun and steadily improve each season with the help and support within the TEAM - TOP GUN.

We expect you to:
- have at least a basic knowledge of playing GPRO.
- be able to communicate in English or Google translate english
- be active in both races & data posting in our private forum.
- be with us for the long term (your team record will count as we dislike team jumping)

So Jet on in and help us set this game on Fire!

Usual terms and conditions apply!